Apple has launched iphone 5C in the Indian market a at a price starting from 41,900 ranging as high as upto 71,500 depending on the size of the internal memory. Despite of such a high price tag, Apple has sold all handsets in less than 24 hours of its retail launch.
India is rapidly becoming a hot-spot in technology world. All the tech giants are considering India a hot market for selling their new & exciting products. Despite of the price tags! Contrary to the anticipation that iphone 5c would be too expensive for emerging markets of India, Apple iPhone 5c and 5s are selling like hot cakes in India.
No doubt, we are heading to a bright future. India is set to have highest number of population using the facebook account by 2016. We are using technology in every facet of our lives. Even in the tier2, 3 & rural areas, the access of technology is no longer a dream. Considering this penetration, internet giants like Google, Yahoo and others are regularly doing their CSR programs in India in order to bring internet literacy up.
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India is rapidly becoming a hot-spot in technology world. All the tech giants are considering India a hot market for selling their new & exciting products. Despite of the price tags! Contrary to the anticipation that iphone 5c would be too expensive for emerging markets of India, Apple iPhone 5c and 5s are selling like hot cakes in India.
No doubt, we are heading to a bright future. India is set to have highest number of population using the facebook account by 2016. We are using technology in every facet of our lives. Even in the tier2, 3 & rural areas, the access of technology is no longer a dream. Considering this penetration, internet giants like Google, Yahoo and others are regularly doing their CSR programs in India in order to bring internet literacy up.
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