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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Some General Tips for China Travel

China Travel Tips
Travelling to China can be a completely different experience for you even if you have travelled to a lot of countries in the past. From the culture to the food, everything is so statically different that adjusting can be quite problematic, especially because of the language barrier. If you have a trip to China all planned out in the coming few days, here are some tips that you should follow to ensure that your trip goes smoothly:
  1. Be sure to keep some basic medicines for cold, flu, constipation and other common health conditions. The change in weather and diet can often make you feel a bit off. While medication will be readily available in the country, you might have trouble finding it when you need it, especially if you are travelling alone.
  2. For communicating with locals and with people back home, you can either use direct phones or you can buy a SIM card. Buying a China SIM card from an online company like Clay is a better option since it allows you to have more flexibility, since you have a cell phone with you all the time.
  3. Tap water in China is not potable and if you drink it, you can risk falling severely ill. You should only rely on bottled water while you are travelling within China. It is commonly available.
  4. When you go to a hotel in China, you are not required to add a tip to the bill. When you are paying the bill, nobody will ask you to pay a tip. However, if you are feeling generous and want to tip someone, it should be done before you avail the service as per custom.
  5. Most international credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express and JCB are accepted commonly in China. You can use these cards to make any purchase you want. A surcharge of 2% on every transaction will be applied to the bill.
  6. Putonghua is the official language of China. While most people will speak English, especially for business, locals don’t prefer it. As a tourist, it’d do you good to learn some Putonghua before you leave for your trip to China.
  7. One of the most important things that travelers should know while visiting China is that there are certain “closed areas” in the country. These areas cannot be visited unless you have permission from authorities. You can find which areas are restricted by visiting a Chinese embassy in your area before you leave for your trip.
If you keep these few simple tips in mind while you are enjoying your trip to China, you can make it more fun and trouble-free. If you get a China SIM card before leaving from an online provider like Clay, you can ensure that you are always in touch with your family and friends back home.


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